Starting another journey

Category: Research Methods

I Know Where I’m Going???

Jamie Saw on Unsplash

If you consider working remotely for the first time when starting an intensive 23-day study program, may I caution you to reconsider? The choice was thrust on me due to computer failure, and even though I am comfortable working without a paper backup, not having access to my regular filing system as well as the lack of consistency of tools across the four computers I used definitely caused additional difficulties that were unnecessary. It did point out what a creature of habit I have become in my computer use and therefore forced me to reconsider my use of online tools.


As a part-time administrator, I have not taught a course for two years, and this year I picked up half an overflowing course in October. I learned Google Classroom (n.d.), exploring quite a bit its bells and whistles and played Kahoots (n.d.) with my students. We used Desmos, an iPad Rotating Sphere Clinometer (n.d.) app, and assorted online tools for what could be boring practice. Our room was vibrant and noisy as we interacted and contributed to each other’s understanding. I utilized structured, controlled, and guided inquiry, with some students taking the opportunity to do free inquiry and present their findings to the class. Our philosophy was “the answers are in the room” and that learning did not require the teacher – though often the questions started from me because the students did not know where to go because of insufficient background.


This summer’s courses have been presented the same way I teach, except on a grander scale. The questions start from the instructors, with some guidance in the readings and presentations, and the rest of the work takes place at home as we research further, documenting some of our work in blogs (and some more privately in notes). My private notes have a number of highlighted areas for further research, my Feedly (n.d.) has some great blogs to read through (and read backwards through) and my Tweetdeck (n.d.) has a number of threads I want to backtrack through. I think it is at least an August’s worth to just catch up! The two courses have set us on the path of gathering information from both traditional sources (books, journals and articles) as well as current sources (blogs and Twitter) so we have a balance between solid academic research articles and fresh ideas being presented by practicing educators. Some of the sources I can discredit based on my experience, but the evaluation technique explored and the methodology understanding I have gained through EDCI 515 have provided me with more solid tools with which to appraise both the traditional studies as well as the contemporary resources. Looking at the Researcher, the Research, the Researched and the Reader applies to blogs and Twitter links as you can see anomalies: the researcher is pushing a book based on a particular company’s product, the researched have nothing in common with the situation you are addressing, or the research is based on some strange bias.


In my own research towards a master’s project, I am going to be wading through studies on appropriate presentation methods for success in online learning environments. Once we learned about action research, I was sure my research would focus in that type of study. I have read a few articles in those areas. Having reached the end of the course, I realize that if I want to include the indigenous perspectives in the tools that I may be curating and creating, I may need to look at other types of studies as well. Research methods more suited to indigenous students may not be action-research based


My ideal goal is to collect and create a body of mathematical resources, organized by the British Columbia Ministry of Education (BCEd) grade 9 through 11 pre-calculus course requirements, for an online math student community of learners who do not need a teacher, only a moderator; basically, a one-room classroom but digital and without a teacher. This means there may need to be a significant number of resources available. Considering I have quite a few myself after having taught Math 9 and 10 a number of times over the last twenty years, it could be doable as one project. My colleagues may be interested in contributing because a successful project could ultimately benefit the students in their classrooms. We have worked hard to establish an open Math Help Centre at school and an Online Math Help Centre with different tools could contribute positively.


Part of my research may also be for good, free, non-copyrighted tools or tools that may be available for an extended period of time. Students should have the opportunity to develop inquiry skills to prepare them for future math courses. Finding a tool or method to preserve some student anonymity while allowing for building a community while not under the protection of a school system may be too much for my current level of expertise. I may need to limit student access, at first, to those enrolled at our school and therefore under the protection of the security offered by our technical support team maintaining our systems. Although I do want it to be open access, I want it to be safe for students as well. I have ruled out the possibility of using Twitter  because it is too public for students. I do not want to own student data, so even the use of a website or a WordPress (n.d.) site is questionable. Yet, where could I have the information hosted so that both the students and I are safe (and safe from each other) and the privacy policies adhere to Canadian law? Big question and more research to go.


I came into this summer of courses thinking I knew what type of project I wanted to have as a capstone to my master’s degree. After a few weeks of classes, my scope is much larger as I realize my original idea did not include the development of a learner community, which is something I value, the research I think I should do has snowballed based on learning more about the types of research there is, and the list of things I need to learn how to do has become much longer. How big am I willing to let this be? How much time am I willing to put in and then, once it is created, how much time am I willing to spend maintaining the creation? In this type of project, where it is something that stands alone but is not static, it would be irresponsible to let it go like a helium balloon on a string (which is also irresponsible). After I spend more time researching, will I need to let this idea go and move into something smaller and more manageable? Well, I have not been one to play it safe, so research adventure, here I come!



Chambers, C., Hasebe-Ludt, E., Donald, D., Hurren, W., Leggo, C., & Oberg, A. (2008). MĂ©tissage: A Research Praxis. In J. Knowles & A. Cole, Handbook of the Arts in Qualitative Research: Perspectives, Methodologies, Examples, and Issues (pp. 142–154).

Ellis, C., Adams, T. E., & Bochner, A. P. (2010). Autoethnography: An Overview. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 12(1).

Engin, M. (2011). Research Diary: A Tool for Scaffolding. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 10(3), 296–306.

Graham, L. & Roberts, V. (2018). Sharing a Pragmatic Networked Model for open pedagogy: The Open Hub Model of Knowledge Generation in Higher-Education Environments. International Journal on Innovations in Online Education, 2(3). Retrieved from

Gu, P., & Lee, Y. (2019). Promoting Students’ Motivation and Use of SRL Strategies in the Web-Based Mathematics Learning Environment. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 47(3), 391–410.

Johnson, H. L., Hornbein, P., & Bryson, D. (2016). Designing Online Playgrounds for Learning Mathematics. The Mathematics Teacher, 110(4), 298–303.

Kim, C., Park, S. W., Cozart, J., & Lee, H. (2015). From Motivation to Engagement: The Role of Effort Regulation of Virtual High School Students in Mathematics Courses. Journal of Educational Technology & Society; Palmerston North, 18(4), 261–272.

McAteer, M. (2013). Action Research in Education.

Office of the Information & Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia. Cloud Computing Guidelines for Public Bodies. (2012). Retrieved from

Pete, S. (2017). Idle No More: Radical Indigeneity in Teacher Education. In F. Pirbhai-Illich, S. Pete, & F. Martin (Eds.), Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Working towards Decolonization, Indigeneity and Interculturalism (pp. 53–72).

Tessaro, D., Restoule, J.-P., Gaviria, P., Flessa, J., Lindeman, C., & Scully-Stewart, C. (2018). The Five R’s for Indigenizing Online Learning: A Case Study of the First Nations Schools’ Principals Course. 40, 125–143.

Weller, M. (2018). The Digital Scholar Revisited. The Digital Scholar: Philosopher’s Lab, 1, 52–71.





Google Classroom.


Rotating Sphere Clinometer.




Five Rs – Relationships, Respect, Reciprocity, Responsibility and Relevance

Birch bark biting artwork by Angelique Merasty.
Photo: Western Development Museum Collection,
similar to one I own by Ms. Merasty

Lovely meeting up with Emily to attend class virtuously virtually today. Thanks to my daughter for letting us crash her couch. Our conversations (and cat interruptions) along with today’s readings and presenters uncovered personal revelations and generated questions.

Relationships and Respect

What type of teacher would I have been if I hadn’t started my teaching career in Northern Saskatchewan? My last student teaching (I was in Music Education and at the time, they split up our practicum into parts so we could experience different situations) for Secondary Music was in a high indigenous population Prince Albert Elementary school. For my Secondary English minor, I was in Meadow Lake teaching middle and high school English, Math and Social Studies, again to a school with a high indigenous population. Being raised in southern Saskatchewan at the same time as Dr. Shauneen Pete, I was taught those stereotypes that she spoke of in class. And believed them. My practicum experiences showed me that kids are kids and each one wants to be listened to, met where they are, cared about, and be part of the conversation about how and where they need to go next.

Subbing in Band schools (yes, it still calls itself the Lac La Ronge Indian Band), teaching private music lessons and leading choirs at two of the public schools while my husband taught in a public school framed my practice after university. In all of my activities, creating community was at the forefront. If I didn’t foster community with the students at the band school, they wouldn’t attend school that day or they would leave. If I didn’t foster community with my private students, I wouldn’t have a self-employed work load at a sustainable income. It became a way of life to be part of that cultural way of being because you were living in an indigenous community. Hearing Shauneen speak reminding me of listening to Tom Roberts on CBC radio’s Keewatin Country in Northern Saskatchewan and chatting about it with everyone and anyone:  TĂąn’si, edlĂĄnat’e and Hello. (And yes, I felt the blow when Tom Roberts’ legacy of radio from Northern Saskatchewan was shut down in 2012.)

Relationships, Respect, Reciprocity and Relevance

By building community, you wind up getting involved in giving back to that community. While in La Ronge, my volunteer work revolved around helping to establish a competitive but supportive music festival for students as well as a coop for local artists to sell their work (my job was the bookkeeping and establishing it as a non-profit organization.) Again, at the basis of the work was respect and relationships. Understanding the relevance of the work done whether as an artist, a musician, or a student was a given, particularly as you always were working on ‘northern time’ as we affectionally called it. Face-to-face meetings and time spent together working, even if you were doing different things, established a connectivity that is difficult to do through virtual environments. Or is it?

How many times did I spend extended time with the phone tucked between my ear and shoulder chatting with a friend? How does this tiegrad WhatsApp chat connect us in community even while we are in a BlueJeans class? Online, isn’t it important to connect students both with each other and the teacher as well as just with each other? By giving students a voice in class as well as the opportunity to connect privately with each other and with the teacher, could students be more successful? The success of Snapchat is partially because there is no easily visible trail of conversations as there are in WhatsApp. We are strangely motivated by knowing we are all struggling, though not in the same way. Can we get students to open up about that anonymously the way we contributed to the Padlet anonymously today? Lots of questions, lots to think about, lots of potential when I am looking at a research project.

More R’s

How does this relate to our courses’ focus on Researcher, Research, Researched and Reader? It took me a few days for my thoughts to connect (which is why this post is dated Tuesday but posted on Friday). As a researcher, we need to be aware of the history of the community in which we are doing research. Knowledge about the community can affect how you set up your research. Respect towards your Researched can improve the accuracy of your results.  Relationships can taint your results, but they may also ensure your results are more authentic and therefore have more value.  And if your Researched believe in the Relevance of your study and that Reciprocity is forthcoming, again, honesty in participation could be more prevalent. Research that is as trustworthy as possible is what is needed for genuine positive change to take place in education.


Settlers can learn a great deal from the Indigenous culture. We have a responsibility to our students to educate them about the history of our indigenous peoples, but also about how they have dealt with the difficulties with grace as a positive example to our students. Therefore, we also have the responsibility in our research endeavours to carry out our work in a manner that our indigenous peoples would find responsible and respectful.

PS – interesting blog I found on training to be more aware of indigenous relations, etc.

This blog was based on thoughts inspired from the reading of Chapter 3 by S. Pete in Idle No More  edited by Fatima Pirbhai-Illich, Shauneen Pete and Fran Martin (2017), Chapter 10 by S. Pete in Meschachakanis, A Coyote Narrative: Decolonising Higher Education by Gruminder K. Bhambra, Dalia Gebrial and Kerem Nisancioglu,   The Five R’s for Indigenizing Online Learning: A Case Study of the First Nations Schools’ Principals Course by Tessaro, Resoutle, Gaviria, Flessa, Lindeman, & Scully-Stewart (2018) and from the guest lecture/discussion with Shauneen Pete, UVic Indigenous Resurgence Coordinator.

Action Research


The reading for discussion was by Mary McAteer, who earned her Doctor of Philosophy in 2000 after completing her Bachelor of Education in 1979 and her Masters of Science in Educational Management in 1993. Between earning her Bachelor’s degree and her doctoral degre, she held a range of classroom teaching and senior management roles in a number of schools in Northern Ireland. Following her doctorate, she started work at Edge Hill University, which was granted the power to award degrees in 2005. McAteer completed a Post-Graduate Certificate in Research Supervision at Edge Hill University in 2010. More recently, she worked as an author at SAGE Publications, who published her book, as well as the Director for MaST programmes for the United Kingdom’s Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education. McAteer is a respected educator, teaching master’s courses in education enquiry and professional learning as well as specialist primary mathematics practice. Her guest lecture and conference experiences extend to the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Schools Enrichment Centre as well as the United States. She is active as an external examiner for master’s and doctorate work focusing on action research and other close-to-practice research while continuing to supervise PhD students. As a researcher, she has written 40 articles since 2000, and is a reputable source of knowledge for action research in education based on her experience.


Mary McAteer’s book, Action Research in Education, was aimed at the beginner in educational research. “Chapter 2: Getting to Grips with Perspectives and Models” gives clear explanations, describing action research as a systematic and planned process of data collection, analysis of the collected data, and theory generation and testing. A teacher’s regular daily reflection is more focused on providing formative feedback to students and developing strategies to differentiate learning outcomes to students. Action research is more critically reflective, looking for alternative perspectives and considering classroom or pedagogy limitations as problems which require solutions. Action research suggests that reflection on practice should be:

  • Descriptive, in that it is personal and retrospective.
  • Perceptive, in that it has an emotional aspect.
  • Receptive, in that it relates personal views to those of others.
  • Interactive, in that it links learning to future action.
  • Critical, in that it places the individual teacher within a broader ‘system’. (McAteer, 2013)

Action research projects are suitable for teachers looking to improving their practice. The project could be rooted in areas in which the teacher has control rather than looking for solutions to institutional problems, unless the institution is the instigator of the project. Good projects allow for testing of personal, professionally important hypotheses and exploring explanations that could be related to a more extensive theoretical base and are relevant to others in education. Action research is a mixed methods form of research.

The Action Research Project Cycle is similar to the design process cycle. The four stages are plan, act, observe and reflect. There could be multiple iterations of the cycle within a project. When starting a project, it is challenging to only collect data at the beginning without affecting the student outcomes. For teachers, it is difficult to remain unbiased if an activity is not producing the anticipated results. They need to stay observant, particularly for small changes. This example of the Action Research Cycle was available in the Creative Commons.

“Action Research Cycle for improving instruction”by w.robkoch is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Researchers of Contrasting Article

The article not using action research was by ChanMin Kim, Seung Won Par, Joe Cozart and Heywon Lee. ChanMin Kim earned her Bachelor of Arts in 1998 in Korea, going on to earn two Masters of Education in Korea (2003) and in Boston (2004). Her doctorate was completed in Florida in 2007. Kim is a mathematics and technology researcher who has written 64 articles since 2004. Although Seung Won Park was not listed in Google Scholar, but had a listing on Research Gate. She has earned her doctorate and is currently in the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong after studying Educational Psychology at Pennsylvania State University and Instructional Design at the University of Georgia. Park’s articles are in the technology field. Joe Cozart has a very limited online presence, but has contributed to 10 articles since 2011. Heywon Lee has no information in Google Scholar and only this article listed on Research Gate. Based on the expertise of Kim and Park, I expected this article to be legitimate.

Contrasting Article Research

In “From Motivation to Engagement: The Role of Effort Regulation of Virtual High School Students in Mathematics Courses”, Kim et al. chose to only study quantitative data. The final study had data from 100 online learners that filled out surveys at three times during their semester long online mathematics course. At the beginning of the semester, the middle of the semester and the end of the semester, students rated value statements on a 7-point Likert scale ranging from (1) “Not at all true of me” to (7) “Very true of me.” The study was investigating “How do high performers and low performers differ with regard to their changes in motivation, regulation, and engagement throughout the course?” (Kim et al., 2015) The value statements students responded to are displayed in the chart below from page 264 of the journal.

Implications of adding Action Research

As educators, I expect Kim et al. could collect the reflection data objectively as they were not the teachers of their subjects. In order for this study to use action research, the team would have needed to be involved in affecting the teaching resources or have the ability to change the support students were offered. They also would have needed to commit more time to the study or may have needed to have a larger team, possibly including the teachers in charge of the online students. The organization offering the online courses or its principal would likely need to be part of the team so that the changes could be implicated easily as nine courses were involved. The data collected could have been totally different if they were successful in planning and enacting strategies to motivate the students.

There are two ways this could have or still could be turned into an action research project. In the first possibility, the initial reflection by the students could have been used as the data on which to base the reflection. A decision would need to have been made whether to address all students with all possible motivators or interventions planned, or to just address the students experiencing difficulties in any of the areas. Some possibilities could be providing exercises to build confidence, providing interactive lessons to build confidence and positive attitude, interaction with a teacher in real-time through Skype or something similar, adding study ideas to the lessons, or linking students to help each other. The second possibility is to use the current complete study as the data to establish a plan to affect a different group of online mathematics students.

Changing the method of the study would have meant, if they had found successful ways to improve motivation and self-regulation, students may not have dropped the courses and they would have had more students complete all 3 surveys. From a students’ point of view, this would have been a great alternative.

The reader would have learned possibilities for improving their own online courses instead of just confirming the understandings and shortcomings of online education as traditionally presented. A reader could still use this data as the base for an action research project themselves.


Educational research lends it to action research. The reason behind educational research is almost always to increase student achievement. Any quantitative or qualitative study can be used as the first step in an action research project. After completing or reading this study, how could educators not want to take the next step of trying to test methods to improve the results of the students? The largest obstacle to action research is conforming to the regulations required by ethics boards as well as acquiring continuous consent from all involved parties. Institutions, parents and even students have to agree to allowing the information to be shared and studied in order for documented action research to take place, and this can be a complicated and constantly changing situation.



Alberta Teacher’s Association. (2000). Action Research Guide for Alberta Teachers. Retrieved July 10, 2019, from

Edge Hill University. (n.d.). Mary McAteer. Retrieved July 14, 2019, from

Google Scholar. (2019). ChanMin Kim. Retrieved July 14, 2019, from

Google Scholar. (2019). Joe Cozart. Retrieved July 14, 2019, from

Google Scholar. (2019). Mary McAteer. Retrieved July 14, 2019, from

Kim, C., Park, S. W., Cozart, J., & Lee, H. (2015). From Motivation to Engagement: The Role of Effort Regulation of Virtual High School Students in Mathematics Courses. Journal of Educational Technology & Society; Palmerston North, 18(4), 261–272.

Koch, Rob. “Action Research Cycle for Improving Instruction.” Flickr, Yahoo!, 3 Aug. 2015,

McAteer, M. (2013). Action Research in Education.

McAteer, Mary. (n.d.). Posts [LinkedIn Page]. Retrieved July 14, 2019, from

Research Gate. (2019). Seung Won Park. Retrieved July 14, 2019, from

Tengrrl. “Do I Need to Cite This?” Flickr, Yahoo!, 9 Nov. 2015,

It’s Like Scrabble!

Gif created by ctrades. All photos used in gif taken by
MarcoG2012 and licensed under CC BY 2.0

The pieces are coming together! The massive amounts of information from the readings, the presenters, and our instructors! Exciting! I have had a number of ‘AHA’ moments over the last three days, with over half involving waking up in the middle of the night and making notes on my phone. So today, since it is about getting ready for Wednesday’s class and how information from Wednesday’s class was used, I think a long post is justified.

We were assigned a reading on mixed methods: Assessing the Quality of Mixed Methods Research: Toward a Comprehensive Framework by Alicia O’Cathain, published in 2010. I searched to ensure I had an accurate understanding of mixed methods before reading the academically worded article. This Overview of Mixed Methods from the Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching (CIRT) at the Grand Canyon University in Arizona was concise. Reading through it made me realize that I would have difficulty believing a study that presented only quantitative data since there are always qualitative factors that affect the reliability of the data collected and therefore the validity of the study. Similarly, I would be challenged to accept the findings of a qualitative study that included no quantitative analysis of data. As the article from the CIRT stated: “quantitative research is weak in understanding context or setting . . .(and) qualitative research may include biases and does not lend itself to statistical analysis and generalization.”

Still procrastinating about the assigned reading, I searched for an article in my area to share in class (as required). The top hit was Promoting Students’ Motivation and Use of SRL Strategies in the Web-Based Mathematics Learning Environment by Peidi Gu and Youngjin Lee. It was written in 2017 and published in 2018. I did not save my search and learned my lesson as I have unsuccessfully tried to duplicate the search. Yet the article was EXACTLY what I was looking for and so interesting that I have reread it and analyzed parts of it more than any of the articles I have read so far!

The 4Rs – Researcher

Alicia O’Cathain is currently a professor of Health Services Research at the University of Sheffield, UK. According to Google Scholar, she has her name on 227 articles and has almost 20,000 citations with almost 100 of her articles receiving at least 10 citations within the last 5 years. This is not surprising considering O’Cathain’s first paper was written in 1988. Interestingly, it was Mixed Method Research in Education (on my to-do list to read). Quite a contrast was the primary author of the article I enjoyed so much: Peidi Gu. Gu does not exist on Google Scholar, which worried me. Luckily the biography in the article states she “was a PhD student in Educational Technology in the University of Kansas . . . (w)ith multi-disciplinary background in Computer Science, Mathematics and Education”. Her co-author, Youngjin Lee is an associate professor of Educational Technology with 32 articles listed on Google Scholar with his first article listed in 2000. Upon further research, I found Gu’s dissertation – but saved it for later reading and bibliography mining. So both researchers are credible, not that there was any doubt about a reading supplied for class, but my reading, though engaging, could have been chaff. Valuable lesson: do not waste time reading a found article without researching the author. Fluff is not allowed as a citation resource.

The 4Rs – Research

O’Cathain summarized the difficulties in ascertaining whether mixed methods used in research are legitimate. Her system of nine types of quality assessment in four domains with a number of criteria is rigourous and complicated. But any study conducted with mixed methods should be held to high standards. But is this list really comprehensive? New technology has been created since this article was written.

The research in Gu’s study (and I am going to call it Gu’s study as it is a portion of her Ph.D dissertation which required one of her supervisors’ names to get published) combines qualitative and quantitative methods. Her choice of mixed methods made sense to me as a mathematics educator and is in the area I would like to explore for my project. My understanding of the criteria presented in O’Cathain’s article was furthered by applying it to Gu’s methods, which on a brief consideration, seem reasonable. If I use Gu’s dissertation as a I plan, I will need to assess it more carefully using Cathain’s system.

The 4Rs – Reader (About Me)

O’Cathain’s article was definitely instructional in nature and will be very helpful as a tool. Gu’s article (and later her dissertation) will be extremely useful as I develop what I anticipate my project will be. I am looking at the difficulty motivated international students have coming into our secondary programs at the Grade 10 and 11 level and trying to fit themselves into our mathematics courses. Canada’s integrated mathematics programs do not align well with American programs. Other countries’ programs do not integrate topics in the same years as we do. Our focus on inquiry learning particularly at the Grade 10 level is also very new to most of our students. My hope is to curate as well as create resources that motivated incoming students can explore in order to be more successful in our mathematics programs. Yes, it will be specifically aimed at our school, but hopefully will be adaptable by other math teachers. In addition, I want to include the types of questions found on our British Columbia Education Numeracy Assessment which is now required of students graduating in BC. I believe the cultural basis of some of the questions exclude our international students from success on the assessment (although I have limited data). Although this new assessment should not require preparation, those new to BC or Canadian culture can find some of the situational questions posed are just inaccessible.

Literary Review

The lit review was introduced in class and my head spun. It made sense and yet it didn’t. To me, a lit review sounded like a OPVL (Origin, Purpose, Value, Limitations) form yet it was Chapter 2 of your project? I went home and found a couple of videos that made sense:

So without reading the assigned article, which our instructor previewed in class, I went to Gu’s article to compare her bibliography with her Chapter 2. The colors are not exactly the same, but you can see the relationship between the information presented in the Introduction of the article to the bibliography. There were some citations that were only included in the Measures or Research Implications sections, but the majority are in the area that would become the Chapter 2 of a dissertation or project. Analyzing an article this way made reading David N. Boote and Penny Beile’s Scholars Before Researchers: On the Centrality of the Dissertation Literature Review in Research Preparation much more meaningful.

I did a review of Gu’s article based on Boote and Beile’s rubric. As it is only a 20 page portion of a 146 page dissertation, I thought the level of achievement quite good!

I don’t need convincing that good research is important before undertaking a task, whether it is a thesis or a project. Even in my regular work, I would rather spend a bit of time researching rather than ‘reinventing the wheel’ in case someone else already has a perfectly good ‘wheel’ which I can choose to use or customize. I want to make sure I am using the best of the information that is out there (and free) to create something that is new (or at least new to being free). I feel like one of our Grade 10s, embarking on my International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme’s Personal Project! Just like our incoming Grade 10 students, I am in the Investigating stage, doing my research and coming up with my problem.

Mixed Bag

While not exactly Mixed Methods, my thoughts today are like a shopping cart full of interesting things that need to get sorted out into the appropriate spaces in my head, my computer, and my to-do list!. Glad we got the Zotero up and running because I now need to use it to start on that lit review list. Have to go check out the Zotero tutorial to really get going, but this short video was helpful to solidify the idea of a lit review.

All the Twitter information we found as a group has been shared on the googledoc, so I went out to my PLN from readings and IB work to find a few more: @geographywee (a great tech teacher), @joboaler, @MapleLeafMath (a transformative math teacher), and (because they distracted me from writing this blog) and (which sent me down a rabbit hole a couple of days ago). There are so many interesting tech and math ideas and I want to curate a list for my staff and my IB workshop participants.

I really enjoyed being in a group with someone accessing remotely. I may head out again just so I have the excuse to be a remote learner and experience that again – hopefully someone else in the room will be the online monitor. It is difficult for the presenter to be the online monitor as well as the presenter, because there is just too much to do for one person. Other situations I have been in where there has been an online chat, the chat was monitored by someone other than the presenter. I expect it will be different when we are all online.

On to my To-Do List!


Finally, something I know something about! Rich McCue was in today with an Excel workshop. I adore Excel! It is a great way to manipulate data. There are times of the year, like when making the timetable, that I am in it for hours a day. Not a week goes by that I don’t turn to it to keep track of some type of data. And I am so geekly excited when it comes to finding a new function that does exactly what I need. The image is a screen shot of my timetabling excel spreadsheet, developed with a former colleague. My school has chosen to set our timetable based on student requests, not by creating a timetable first and then trying to slot students into it.

When I taught computers/design, I had the students do some exercises in Excel to understand how powerful and useful it can be and then we would do an assignment in tracking their work for a week (like I do more simply now in Toggl) or budgeting or investing. Part of reaching the top band of my rubric for them was for the requirement to figure out how to do something we had not covered in class exercises: a function or a chart or moving data to another page or spot on their page. Choosing what information to display, how to display it, and inquiring into how to do something they wanted it to do was helpful for their further studies in sciences in particular, where they had data to show in their experiments.

So how does this fit into the 4Rs? If I, the classroom teacher, was the researcher, then my students were unknowingly the researched, providing me with the research of new ways for me to play with Excel (yay!). That’s what I enjoy about teaching an inquiry model – the knowledge is in the room and I don’t have to be the one to find it or impart it to the students. The students were also the readers, because they were free to check out each other’s work as we went so they could also use other students’ ideas; this turned them also into a researcher with multiple collaborators. Round and round we go, just on a tighter cycle than what happens in the type of academic research we are looking into in this course. On the larger, academic research scale, there is a lot of knowledge ‘in the room’, but the researcher is aiming to take it further, where no one has gone before.

Time Management

Waiting for the bus and then the short ride is good thinking time. You might even meet another classmate on the bus! And that chat might get a stranger to comment on your conversation of not getting all your readings/prep done! And that stranger might even be a retiring Education prof who reinforces what you just realized – scan the articles for general information and carefully read the ones you connect with. Taking two courses in just over 3 weeks means you need to be efficient in your time use. This became really obvious this morning when instead of reading the assigned readings carefully, I went to Rich McCue’s blog and found all sorts of interesting stuff! I did eventually manage to tear myself away long enough to scan and take basic notes on the last reading for today.  But I am starting to realize what is good information, what is interesting information, and what is going to be relevant for me! Now, how to find the balance of how to allocate my time between the three. . .


After our first class, I needed to go home and get right to work AND I needed to do absolutely nothing so my brain could absorb the conversations. So I compromised by gardening and cooking. After a significant break, I was able to work on creating my blogsite. Thank goodness I had done Thursday’s readings already!

The Autoethnography: An Overview article was pretty heavy for me. So much vocabulary but yet the idea is quite simple: “an approach to research and writing that seeks to describe and systematically analyze personal experience in order to understand cultural experience.” The article listed a number of types of autoethnography, but quantifying and qualifying this type of research is complicated. “As ethnography, autoethnography is dismissed for social scientific standards as being insufficiently rigorous, theoretical, and analytical, and too aesthetic, emotional, and therapeutic.”

Autoethnography is actually connected to a concern I have about our provincial numeracy testing and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) Mathematics exam I mark based on a mark scheme from IB: does the assessment require personal experiences that may influence a students’ success when unpacking the questions? If I research the success students experience in the numeracy assessment, based on their cultural experiences and the type of questions they chose to do their long answers on, then I would likely be using some variation of autoethnography. I can see that this is an area where I will need to delve a little deeper. Re-reading the article and making a dictionary of terms (as was suggested in class) is on my to-do list.

Research Diary: A Tool for Scaffolding was actually a feel-good read. It clarified and justified my chosen method of working. I have always been a list and note person, documenting what was done and what needed to be done. My formats just were not in the form of a traditional diary. With our school being so focussed on email communication, my email was a big part of my diary, with even some emails sent to myself with extra comments about things I wanted to remember or look back at in a few days, months or years down. My extensive filing system for my emails helped out a number of times, particularly when decisions made by staff that had departed the school were required to sort out an issue. I had my day planner and calendar online with many notes to look back at from year to year, as well as documents for specific big tasks that listed actions taken, the order that worked from year to year, justifications for decisions made and reflections on what to try in the future. Thus, I particularly connected with certain statements in the article:

“it makes visible both the successful and (apparently) unsuccessful routes of learning and discovery so that they can be revisited and subject to analysis”, “in the research process, data collection should not be separated from reflection and analysis, as all processes feed into each other”, and “the aim of starting the journal is not usually for reflection, but as part of the data collection and to increase validity by keeping a log of decisions made”.

As a researcher, I will definitely be more cognizant of keeping even more careful notes of what I have searched and found, particularly those items that are not of use now but may be in the future. With the speed of this particular course and the volume of information being taken in, I cannot depend upon my memory to keep track of bits and pieces the way I was able to at work.

Our second class was very interesting. The idea of trying to pull three items out of each reading helped settle me. I take notes from each reading (that I do not post) but I reread these notes a few times. I already know which articles will need a re-read, so not worrying about totally absorbing each one the first time helps with the overload. Also, I appreciated looking at research through the 4 Rs: Research (What? How?), Researcher (Who?), Researched (on What or with Whom?) and Reader (Who?). This will be important to do on articles I find to help judge reliability for whatever I eventually choose to do.

The short session with the librarian was really helpful. Research in my position at school was only in British Columbia Education documents. The last time I had to do significant research was in my BMusMusEd and BA days, when we still had to dig through all the cards of article abstracts and then read the articles on microfiche!

I was even more overwhelmed after class today than the first day. Plenty of work added to my to-do list and a realization of how helpful Fridays without classes was going to be. I am very thankful we have such a positive and open group of students and teachers.